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Rosalynn, Jimmy, & Amy Carter

Smith-Corona Typetronic II electric typewriter
Click the picture from a clip from
"Set Me Free"
"Intruder With Toy Gun Puts KNBC off Air" - Los Angeles Times 8/20/1987
Halston obituary - Los Angeles Times 3/28/1990
February 5, 2018

Written by: Diane English
Directed by: Barnet Kellman
Jesi and Lauren launch headfirst into the seventh episode of Season One and how the episode’s original filming changes their entire perspective on re-watch. Topics include: Could a gunman plot work today, the real-life event that inspired the episode, and Jesi & Lauren share personal stories about how the body reacts to trauma and physical danger. Also…it might be someone’s birthday episode. Listen and find out!
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